TGX 1448-2e
Days of Maturity:105 -110 days
Character:Medium maturing, Non Shattering and frog eye leaf resistant
Yield Potential(t/ha):2.0
TGX 1904-6f
Days of Maturity:110-120 days
Character:Late maturing,high promiscuous modulation, high nitrogen fixation capacity, high fodder yield and resistant to lodging, cercospora leaf spot and bacteria & pubtule.
Yield Potential(t/ha):1.5 - 2
TGX 1835-10e
Days of Maturity:100 -110 days
Character:Early maturing,
Low shattering, tolerant to
rust, cercospora leaf spot
and bacterial pustule
and adaptable to poor soils.
Yield Potential(t/ha):2.5
TGX 1951-3f
Days of Maturity:110 -120 days
Character:Medium maturing,
Low shattering, tolerant to
rust, cercospora leaf spot
and bacterial pustule and
adaptable to poor soils.
Yield Potential(t/ha):2.5