Faro 44
Ranking 1 in this crop type
Days of Maturity:100-120
Character:Medium maturing, long grain, high yield potential, optimum production under low management
Yield Potential(t/ha):6.0
Faro 59
Days of Maturity:Maturity: 95 - 100 days
Character:Early maturing, upland rice, golden colour, weed competitiveness and tolerance to logging.
Yield Potential(t/ha):5.0
Faro 60
Days of Maturity:120 - 130 days
Character:Late maturing, high
yielding, long and slender
grains and tolerant to iron
Yield Potential(t/ha):8.0
Faro 61
Days of Maturity:95 - 100 days
Character:Early maturing, high
yielding, tolerant to anaerobic
germination (ability to
germinate under water).
Yield Potential(t/ha):7.0
Faro 63
Days of Maturity:95 - 100 days
Character:Early maturing,
upland and high yielding.
Yield Potential(t/ha):6.2
Faro 66
Days of Maturity:125 - 130 days
Character:Late maturing,
submergence tolerant, high
yielding, long and medium
slender grains and
moderately tolerant to iron
Yield Potential(t/ha):6.7
Faro 67
Days of Maturity:125 - 130 days
tolerant, high yielding, long
and slender grains and
moderately tolerant to iron
Yield Potential(t/ha):6.7
Upia 1
Days of Maturity:95 - 100 days
Character:Early maturing,
high, long slender grains,
tolerant to iron toxicity and
African rice gall midge.
Yield Potential(t/ha):6.6
Upia 3
Days of Maturity:100 days
Character:Early maturing,
high yield, slender grains
and tolerant to iron toxicity.
Yield Potential(t/ha):7.0